What is Your Mitzrayim $14.32 Save:$2.00(15%)
  • ISBN-13: 9798369218075
  • Publisher: Barnes & Noble Press
  • Publication date: 03/23/2023
  • Pages: 324
  • Sales rank: 226,966
  • Product dimensions: 5.00(w) x 8.00(h) x 0.68(d)
  • B”H (with the help of HaShem). Mitzrayim – the narrow place. These narrow places are merely external reflections of an internal reality. These narrow places are the physical conditions that keep us spiritually entrapped; in bondage, reluctant to change and move forward. Our lives can become so entangled in physical things, and physical thinking, that we can easily forget there is a spiritual purpose at all. Then this narrow place, this narrow thinking consumes the entire being and presence of the one held in its grip.What is this narrow place for you? This rushing river of tension; this place of opposites, of multiple choices, of opposition, of confused direction; of difficulty in moving forward, leaving what was, to enter what is…… What is this place that keeps you trapped, unable to traverse, unable to get through, or over, to the other side…… What is it that stands in the way before you can cross over, and begin to climb that distant mountain; visible, yet, seemingly, out of reach……..The physical things merely become the distractions that keep one distracted and consumed in some narrow place; away from, and forgetting to think about anything spiritual, anything focused on the One G-d – HaShem.Maybe in time, we come to realize this, or not. Maybe circumstances overwhelm us to where we have to finally see what’s going on. Maybe we just reach a point…… What happens when we get to a point we can’t go on, or don’t know how to go on? Maybe we don’t know where to go or how to proceed; whether we should go on at all, or just stay where we are.It is the intent and hope that this book can provide some direction, or understanding; some recognition as to what and why things have been happening the way they are. Perhaps a few words here and there that will prompt deep thought and inner change.And hopefully, prayerfully, there will be something in this book that is helpful for anyone. At the end, there is a list of resources for additional research and growth.The things in this book can be helpful to anyone, and are written from a personal Jewish/Noahide perspective without the idolatry of xianity or any religion (note: Judaism isn’t a religion, it’s a covenant with HaShem).

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